Manylinux Timeline

Package statistics

Lowest (required) manylinux policy

Highest (available) manylinux policy

Python implementations



About package statistics

Old manylinux images have reached end of life. It's about time to drop support for them.

This section shows the adoption of newer manylinux images and how packagers are using them.

0 packages providing manylinux wheels have been released on PyPI in the analysis timeframe. Considering this low number of packages, the data set is smoothed using a sliding window algorithm. Only the latest version of a given package is taken into account in this 6-month window.

Consumer statistics

Python version (All)

glibc version (across all Python versions)

Python version (non-EOL)

glibc version (across non-EOL Python versions)

About consumer statistics

This section shows consumer readiness for a given policy.

Before Python 3.10, support for a policy was a combination of glibc version (as denoted in the policy name for PEP600) and pip version. As of Python 3.10, the default pip is always capable of PEP600 based manylinux wheels. Before that, the pip version available (without manually upgrading) depends on the Python version and/or the Linux distribution being used. At least the Python version is explicit in this section.

All manylinux wheel downloads from PyPI using pip are analysed each day to compute those statistics. The data set is smoothed using a 1-month sliding window algorithm.

glibc readiness for python 3.13 (Preview)

glibc readiness for python 3.12

glibc readiness for python 3.11

glibc readiness for python 3.10

Policy readiness for python 3.9

glibc readiness for python 3.9

Policy readiness for python 3.8

glibc readiness for python 3.8

Policy readiness for python 3.7 (EOL)

glibc readiness for python 3.7 (EOL)

Policy readiness for python 3.6 (EOL)

glibc readiness for python 3.6 (EOL)

General information

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Thanks to Drop Python, Python Wheels and Python 3 Wall of Superpowers for the concept and making their code open source.